Melchi’s Story
Melchi was at risk of using offending to manage his negative emotions and experiences. He was referred to the Peer Navigator Network to meet with other young people who had shared similar experiences. The objective of Melchi’s participation was to understand his trauma better, to reflect on his life experiences and in turn, develop a more positive self-image.

When Melchi first started coming to the Youth Offending Service, it negatively impacted his self-confidence. His school peers knew he was involved in the criminal justice system, making him feel stigmatized by both classmates and staff.
As his court order progressed, Melchi became more vocal within the Peer-Led Conversation Hub discussing his trauma and journey with other young people. His newfound confidence led him to lead on a JAC centre project, sharing his personal experience and acting as a positive role model for similar backgrounds.
Melchi had the rest of his court order revoked 6months early due to the progress he made through Youth Ink. He has not committed any further offences since and now works a Peer Support Navigator (PSN) in a paid sessional role. As a PSN, he supports other people like himself to access services and break down stigmas around emotional wellbeing and mental health.
“Working at Youth Ink has changed my life.”