Liam’s Story
Liam came to the Youth Offending service for his six months Referral Order for possession of a knife. His brother’s involvement in violent crime and fear of his attacks were negatively impacting Liam’s wellbeing, having experienced some upheaval and trauma in his childhood and living with his single-parent mum. She also has had traumatic experiences and was struggling with his elder brothers’ offending and gang involvement. Liam was at high risk of entering into criminal behaviour himself and following his brother’s path.

Liam attended Southwark Youth Offending Service summer residential, a program led by Youth Ink staff. Despite it being his first time away from his home and family, he fully immersed himself in the experience, taking responsibility as a volunteer to support the residential staff. Liam later described this as one of the best experiences he’s ever had; it made him feel really good about himself and left him more determined to make positive changes and decision in life.
When Liam started at the YOS, he was quiet and shy, especially in groups. As he progressed through the court order, he opened up in discussions, particularly around Pathways and Choices looking at the potential and realistic consequences of carrying a weapon and dealing drugs. Liam now says he’s a lot better at dealing with problems when they arise, including his emotional issues. He hasn’t re-offended since participating in Youth Ink’s Programmes.