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YOS & Young people

“DS was excellent- he arrived early at 08.50 and participated in all the discussions with 4 groups. He volunteered his thoughts which he could back up with scenarios, and he also allowed me to ask him specific questions which he gave thoughtful and honest answers to.

A lot of the young people knew him at least by sight and this certainly helped with their engagement. When giving his own story the young people listened and asked questions. He gave very positive advice and was open about his own regrets which I think was very powerful.

He was an asset to the team and he’s very welcome to come back.”  YOS officer Gangs (Southwark Youth Offending Service)

Go to the MOJ talking about my life I was Nevers to go there, but it was good, the YOT should do more of this as it gives us a chance to share what life is like for us. Also, people, they gave confidence. YP 17

In the beginning, I did not know really what to expect. I just sat in the background saying nothing as I had no confidence or self-esteem. I was really down.  But as the weeks went on, I became more involved and through the help and support of the other people (PSN) and Mifta found confidence and have never looked back’. Young person. YP 13

Being involved with Peer Support Navigator Network has given me the confidence to change my life direction to work in this type of work helping people. I did want to work in sports and young people, but I cannot because of offence I was convicted for when I was 12. This has helped me knowing that I can still work with people and help them. YP 17

“Having had Jay involved and supporting the delivery of our weapons awareness programme has been of extreme value. Jay’s approach has always been one of extreme professionalism whereby he shared his story and adversities he has faced while growing up but he would always maintain a sense of positivity around the young people we were delivering to. Being able to have young people with lived experiences in the continuous development of offence focused programmes is in our opinion very important, and we look forward to having Jay back when we are able to return to schools.” YOS Officer (Southwark Youth Offending Service)